Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Strawberry Cake

This is Pioneer Woman's Strawberry Shortcake Cake (and her photos, not mine.)

It is by far the best strawberry cake I've ever made or had... I think because it really does remind me of strawberry shortcake.  You should try this for sure.  Or anything Pioneer Woman makes for that matter... all of her recipes look so good, and her blog is just so funny.

I'm looking forward to keeping up with her blog. (And trying to keep up with MINE too!) I actually considered canceling my blog because I've neglected it the last few months, but then I reminded myself, I'm doing this for me and it's supposed to be something I enjoy... if I'm only able to pop in every now and then, oh well!

So I will be back, hopefully sooner than later :)



  1. I Love The Pioneer Woman. I have been wantign to make this cake for awhile, maybe July 4th would be a good time! have you tried her blackberry cobbler? It is amazing and so easy!

  2. OMG, that looks sooooooo delish!

    p.s. Thank you so much for following BonBon Rose Girls. We hope you'll follow us over at our new site too! We recently moved to our own URL: http://www.bonbonrosegirls.com/ AND we started our own network called the Rosebud Network! Members are eligible for weekly "Freshly Picked Rosebud" features and, in addition, we're linking to network members when we can tie one of their posts into ours! In celebration of this we're having a giveaway week right now. 16 fabulous prizes are up for grab! Hugs, K
