Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas favorites

Two small gifts I'm excited about:

A Sandra Lee Grilling cookbook- and although grilling in winter may not be ideal, there are some excellent looking recipes you can do with a grill pan in here! 
I can't wait to try some of the marinades and rubs... she has some interesting combinations.


A Janet Hill print of her painting "She Liked the Pink Ones."  
Unfortunately a print will have to do because I cannot afford her originals...yet :)
But after matting and framing it will still be a great piece to hang.
I want to get two more that are similar in size to create a set.
I am definitely going to go after this one:

It's called "Heels"

Janet Hill is such an inspiration to me, I love her colorful work.
Go see her new website, Janet Hill Studio.
 Bella Cosa designed it beautifully.

Have a great week
<3 Ash

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