Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spotlight: Chotda

I was browsing along on Flickr when I came across Chotda's photostream! You must go see her beautiful work- it's so colorful and she photographs so many different subjects...

from heirloom tomatoes,

and cake,

to gorgeous scenery,

and even puppies!

She has a blog too, The Scent of Green Bananas... you may have heard of it, but it's new to me, and I'm so glad I found it so I can just soak up the beauty of her images....

They make me want to paint, right away!

Go see her blog- but also go see her on flickr... you can browse through all of her sets/collections and really get a good look :)


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the contest. Good luck with finishing up college! It's a huge accomplishment. And I love the pictures too!

  2. hello ashley, thank you so much for your lovely compliments and post--i am truly touched and honoured. what a wonderful blog you have, i will visit often :)

    happy belated birthday to you too!

  3. Her photos are beautiful! I can't wait to see her blog, thanks!

  4. hi Ashley! these are beautiful photos. those tomatoes are gorgeous! and of course the dogs stole my heart! thanks for sharing. i have to go and visit her links now. have a fabulous weekend!

    God Bless,
