Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pretty in Pink

This weekend had me busy making cake, mini cupcakes and tons of cake bites for a shower honoring mommy-to-be and her baby girl!

The vanilla cake was filled with fresh raspberry buttercream and frosted in vanilla buttercream.

(Below is the guest of honor :)

I was disappointed when the icing "puckered" a little on the side, but it wasn't too bad I guess... (see the bottom tier)

Thank you Becky for taking pictures for me! (In my mad rush to get things dropped off, I decided to forget trying to get any good ones myself)
Anyway, from what I hear, the shower was a success and the Mama-to-be was very pleased :)

Now... back to my "puckered" icing problem. Is there some recipe for buttercream that goes on more smoothly?
How do you get your icing smooth? I am open to suggestions if anyone's got any! I am getting better at it with time, but I know there has got to be someone who has a little trick up their sleeve!!!



  1. Everything looks so pretty and pink! I really like the cake and the cake balls!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog, you are so sweet! You have all of the same interests as me! So funny, too bad we didn't live closer to each other!
    As for the "puckering" problem... that used to happen to me and I found out the reason my cake puckered was
    1. the cake was not completely cooled when I put the frosting/filling in between the two layer
    2. I didn't put enough frosting!
    (You should have enough so that is seeps out of the sides and you whip the excess so its clean, essentially is just like filling a seam!
    Hope that made sense :)
    Love the cake balls too! I've been wanting to make those ever since I saw them on Bakerella!
    Happy Baking to you!
    -Mini Baker

  3. Love the cupcakes and cake balls! We do have a lot in common baking-wise. Mini Baker's advice should do the trick. It is super important to make sure the cake is completely cooled before icing. I usually frost my cakes semi-frozen; works pretty well. I was taught this at a bakery I used to work at. Good luck on your future projects...can't wait to see more!

  4. Thanks so much for the nice comment you left on my blog (uh, months ago - I'm a bad blog follower!). I love seeing what you create for Falls residents, and I hope I get to try something of yours!

    How do you get your cake balls so smooth? I have managed to perfect my technique by dipping them with toothpicks, and then when I pull the toothpicks out, I just drizzle a little swirl on the top to cover the hole.

  5. For my cake bites I just dip them into a deep bowl, and remove them with a small, flat spoon (tapping the excess off on the side of the bowl.) Then I just tap it gently off onto wax paper or use another spoon to help slide it off onto the wax paper. (Try to keep it from rolling off, the part touching the spoon should be then part touching the wax paper!)

    I hope that wasn't too confusing haha!

    Thank you for your comment!


  6. they look amazing!
    pretty, soft pinks are great & I like the cake advice from minibaker & joanna.
    all your cakes & cupcakes look fantastic.
