Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bachelorette Party!

My very best friend since 4th grade got married yesterday! She was so beautiful :)
I have been busy with that, finals, other baking orders, etc. so needless to say, I have neglected my blog a little...
I made 150 cupcakes for Midwestern's Mass Communication banquet but was so rushed that I didn't get any good photos... and I've been making cake bites for people like crazy. I'm telling you, everyone loves those things!

Anyway, here are a few pics from Jenna's bachelorette party the other weekend.

The photos aren't the best quality, but you get the idea! I made a chocolate ganache cake piped in hot pink and bra and panty sugar cookies. Oh, and of course I made cake bites too!

I love you Jenna LaRue Hobbs! (Jenna and myself)

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